Friday, January 22, 2016

~Burning Bowl Ceremony~
Why Do I NEED It Now?
What’s it all about??

     ·     Do you have a burning desire to feel not only satisfied with life but 
ecstatic about the life you are living?
       ·     Would you love to wake up each morning energized and filled with 
excitement for the new day?
      ·      Have you heard of people experiencing an “endorphin high” and 
wished that you too could harness that kind of 
exuberant happiness in your life?
·        Are there things in your life that bring you down but you
 just don’t know how to overcome the pain, anxiety, 
stress and even depression that these things are causing you?

Good News!
Something CAN be done to help you overcome the negative in your life and make room for more peace & happiness than you ever thought possible! I’m not talking about something that will cost thousands of dollars or years of your life. I am talking about things that you can do right now, TODAY!

Distractions & Escapism
Today’s technology allows so many to resort to escapism rather than dealing directly with the things that trouble them. When we are depressed we turn on the TV. If we are mad we pick up a phone and vent to a friend. If we feel abandoned or angry we can go to social media and complain via Facebook or Twitter to complete strangers about how miserable we are. But what if, instead of focusing on all that is wrong, you learn how to rid your life once and for all of the things that make you unhappy, thereby making space for everything that you desire? What if you suddenly had more blessings than you could count? And what if you could train yourself to truly focus on all that is right in your life?

Make room for Happiness!
A Burning Bowl Ceremony can open our hearts and minds so we are able to listen to the guidance we receive and gain clarity. We can then focus on our true intentions and ask for help from our God/Higher Power, Guides and Angels in a clear and powerful way. A Burning Bowl Ceremony is a fire ceremony designed to help us listen, become clear in our intentions, release the old habits that get in the way of those intentions, and make room for good habits that can help us accomplish our goals and be truly happy.  In order to create an abundant and happy life full of peace and contentment we must first make room for all that we desire by letting go of any and everything which does not serve our greater good. So often we unintentionally fill our lives with negative thoughts, words and imagery. When we do this we are crowding the space that we should be filling with happy thoughts, loving intentions and beautiful images.

Don’t be “stuck” in an unhappy or discontent life!
A Burning Bowl Ceremony is a very healing experience. For many it is life changing. Life is too short not to be happy. We often get stuck in our ways simply because we are more comfortable with what we are most familiar with. Because we fear change, we stay stuck in comfortably negative places.
  It is time to let go of things that do not help you achieve your greater good. You deserve to be happy! Life should be beautiful. I can help you find the beauty that is missing in your life. Give me a chance. Give yourself a chance!

So What IS a Burning Bowl Ceremony?

No, we do not set fire to a bowl. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. 
While many of my clients are very familiar with this ceremony, along with all of its amazing benefits, I am aware that the concept is totally foreign to many of you so I would like to clear up any confusion and hopefully, answer any questions you might have. The Burning Bowl ceremony is a kind of fire ceremony that has been used in various traditions for many, many years. It involves identifying, then writing down, any negative thoughts, emotions and/or situations you are dealing with; things that you are ready to release from your life, on a piece of paper, then burning the paper in a bowl, which turns the negativity to smoke and sends it to the Universe allowing us to release them in our lives. During the ceremony I offer a prayer and those participating are also welcome to pray of they feel so inclined. For this ceremony as well as others I perform, I use a smudging stick. It is a bundle of white sage which has been used for centuries to clear negative influences and invoke light and love. The ceremony, as well as the visual impact of watching what we wrote and felt, burn and turn to smoke, is incredibly powerful! The purpose of the ceremony is to release old patterns, beliefs or experiences, or anything that impedes you from realizing your true self. By sending the old, unwanted conditions up to the Creator in the smoke, you clear the way for new beginnings. The second part of the ceremony, which is extremely powerful, is to re-focus your attention on what you would like to create in your life; Out with the old, in with the new. There is a yin and yang in all things. When we release something from our life we make room for something new and hopefully better! I will also help you focus on and write down what you want to create in your life and you take that paper home with you so you can read it often. That which we focus on comes to pass!

Is a Burning Bowl Ceremony Religious?

 The Burning Bowl Ceremonies which I officiate over are not religious in any way, although it can be a very spiritual experience for many. It can also be very emotional, but in a good way. I do offer a prayer at the beginning and the end of the ceremony as I do want to acknowledge our Higher Power in this Universe because I do not believe that we are alone down here. That being said, I have had people from many religious faiths join in on these ceremonies and I always receive very positive feedback.

Do you make sacrifices, dance naked or swing a chicken over your head?

While any one of these elements might make the ceremony more…er, entertaining, NO. There is no “weirdness” in the ceremony that would make anyone uncomfortable. Besides, I’d have to charge extra if I did any of that weird stuff.

How long is the ceremony?

The ceremony usually takes anywhere from 45-90 minutes. The time depends greatly on the number of people attending as well as how much discussion we have. The more people, the more discussion usually. I always make sure there is plenty of time to answer any questions you may have.

What if I don’t want to share what I am releasing?

You do not need to share anything. There is an opportunity to share with others if it is a group ceremony but absolutely no obligation or pressure to do so. In fact, you do not even need to say a word the entire time if you choose not to.

Is there any reason to attend more than one Burning Bowl Ceremony?
Yes, but it is of course entirely up to you. Many times the kinds of things that we want to “let go” of have been bothering us for quite some time. We have gotten into the habit of focusing on these negative feelings and as we all know, habits can be hard to break. People often describe feeling “lighter” after a ceremony and express that they feel a load is starting to be lifted from them but I encourage you to attend a few ceremonies to really feel the full benefit. I usually suggest separating them by 1-3 weeks, allowing you to really do some work on your own at releasing in between ceremonies. I will also teach you other things you can do on your own to release the negative from your life.

What kinds of things can I release during a ceremony?

Any and everything that is not benefiting you in your life.
Examples: Bad habits, addictions, resentments, anger, depression, physical pain, past relationship issues, current relationship issues, financial problems, jealousy and the list goes on. I am obviously naming vague and general issues but you get the idea. For a specific example, someone might write on their list:
“I choose to let go of the anger and resentment I feel towards__________for the way he/she treated me.” You can write as little or as much as you choose. No one sees your paper besides you.

Are there specific occasions that a Burning Bowl ceremony is especially helpful?

Absolutely! The Burning Bowl Ceremony can be done at a rehearsal dinner before a wedding. The couple burns what they are leaving behind from their single life, what they do not want to take into the marriage. The wedding ceremony then is clear and open for the couple’s new vows and intentions to be brought forth.
This ceremony can be used as a rite of passage for birthdays, change of job or career, graduations and childbirth. It is a wonderful ceremony to incorporate into your New Year’s Eve celebration! It is also a great ceremony for a teenager’s 16th birthday to let go of childish ways and bring in the new age of maturity.
This ceremony can help with the ending of relationships, releasing people or events we have an unhealthy attachment to, including troubling world events, sadness, childhood trauma, accidents or the loss of a pet.

I have used the ceremony for clients, friends and myself to heal after the passing of loved ones. During the ceremony sadness and grief are released making room for happy memories and gratitude for the time we had with the person we have lost.
For more information or to schedule a Burning Bowl Ceremony, please contact me.

Cristie Davis 916-223-1144

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